Season 1, Episode 9: Standing Up
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Season 1, Episode 9: Standing Up

Welcome to the podcast episode “9. Baby Myths Busted: Standing Up,” where we unravel the journey of babies learning to stand and pull themselves up. Discover why it’s crucial for infants to master crawling before attempting to stand, typically around nine to ten months old. We emphasize the significance of allowing babies to develop these skills naturally by pulling themselves up with support, cruising around objects, and eventually standing independently. Join us as we explore the physical steps, milestones, and myths surrounding a baby’s progression from crawling to standing, guiding parents on fostering healthy motor patterns and movement development

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Season 1, Episode 7: Sitting
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Season 1, Episode 7: Sitting

In this podcast episode titled “7. Baby Myths Busted: Sitting,” the focus is on debunking myths surrounding infant sitting. The episode emphasizes the importance of proper positioning and muscle development for infants before they begin sitting. It stresses the natural and joyful progression into sitting from a quadruped position, highlighting the need to support the spine against gravity. The text also warns against premature propping into sitting positions, citing the negative consequences of improper positioning such as W-sitting. Additionally, it underscores the significance of following the right developmental steps for infants, suggesting that discomfort caused by the inability to sit in a traditional desk position may lead to misdiagnoses of autism spectrum disorders in some cases.

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