Privacy Policy


Baby Myths Busted, operated by Simon Poole Consulting Pty Ltd, is dedicated to providing quality services to its users. This Privacy Policy outlines our ongoing commitment to managing your personal information responsibly. We adhere to the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) to govern the collection, use, disclosure, storage, security, and disposal of your personal information.

You can obtain a copy of the Australian Privacy Principles from The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner at [](


We seek your explicit consent to collect health information, either for yourself or someone you care for. Consent is obtained through clear and unmistakable communication, whether in writing, orally, or through other means. Your practitioner will seek consent before gaining health information, commencing physical assessments, outlining or performing treatments, and in any other circumstances deemed necessary.

Personal Information

Personal Information refers to data that identifies an individual, such as names, addresses, email addresses, and phone numbers. We collect this information through client interviews, correspondence, telephone, facsimile, email, and other channels, including allied health and medical practitioners and third parties.

Why do we collect it?

We collect Personal Information to provide services and information to our clients. You can unsubscribe from our email lists at any time.

When collecting Personal Information, we will explain the purpose and use. For photos/videos of you and your treatment, you'll have the opportunity to consent.

Third Parties and Disclosure

We primarily collect Personal Information directly from you, but third-party information may be received. We take steps to ensure you are aware of information provided by third parties. Disclosure may occur for the primary purpose, directly-related secondary purposes, with consent, or as required by law.

Sensitive Information

Sensitive information, such as racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, or health information, will be used only for the primary or directly-related secondary purposes, with consent, or as required by law.

Security and Access to Personal Information

We store Personal Information to protect it from misuse, loss, unauthorized access, modification, or disclosure. When no longer needed, we take steps to destroy or de-identify it. You can access and update your Personal Information, with identification.

Maintaining Personal Information

We strive to keep your Personal Information accurate, complete, and up-to-date. Please inform us of any inaccuracies.

Mandatory Reporting

Health professionals must use or disclose health information as required by law, such as reporting child abuse or certain communicable diseases.

Policy Updates

This Policy may change periodically.

Privacy Policy Complaints and Enquiry

For any queries or complaints about our Privacy Policy, please contact us at

Simon Poole Consulting Pty Ltd for the Baby Myths Busted Podcast
