Meet your hosts

Simon Poole

MACP, M.Phty, B.AppSci (HMS), B.Bus

Podcast Host, Director - Movement Improvement, APA Sports and Exercise Physiotherapist, Associate Lecturer – University of Queensland

Originally from Brisbane and educated in Brisbane and Canberra, Simon is an Australian Titled Sports and Exercise Physiotherapist and Director of Movement Improvement Rockhampton. He also is engaged by the Queensland Academy of Sport on a consultant basis for the Swimming program as well as being involved with the Australian Junior Swimming Team.

Simon loves a challenge. As such, he is particularly interested in complex cases. This interest includes paediatric patients from 6 weeks of age, longstanding pain and sports performance physiotherapy. Educating the up-and-coming physiotherapists is also a privilege that he holds dear.

On a personal note, Simon has two very energetic and busy young sons - Oliver and Atticus – and a very understanding and supportive wife, Jackie.


Complex Cases, Sports Performance, Early Childhood (6 weeks – 18 months)


APA Titled Exercise and Sports Physiotherapist

Associate Lecturer – University of Queensland (School of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences)

Master of Physiotherapy – University of Canberra

Level 2 Strength and Conditioning Coach – Australian Strength and Conditioning Association

Bachelor of Human Movement Studies – Queensland University of Technology

Bachelor of Business (Marketing) – Queensland University of Technology

Jackie Poole

BAppSc (HMS), ASCA Level 2, Cert. Functional Nutrition

Podcast Host, Exercise Scientist, Nutrition Consultant

Originally from Brisbane, Jackie has an extensive background in strength and conditioning covering all ages and experience levels, from toddlers to professional athletes. Jackie founded the exercise science component of the business and is passionate about using science and experience to push young athletes up to the next level. Jackie has been involved with premiership winning teams from basketball, AFL and rowing to name a few and has also worked with professional athletes in a multitude of sports such as basketball and tennis.

Jackie also has a keen interest in helping athletes return to sport post-surgery or injury and a desire to help people understand functional nutrition and it’s role in overall health and wellbeing.

Jackie doesn’t have any spare time because she has two lively young sons Oliver and Atticus, Simon as a husband and does a lot of home cooking.


Athlete Development, High-performance Sport, Injury Rehab and Return to Sport, Functional Nutrition


Bachelor Applied Science (Human Movement Studies) - Queensland University of Technology

Australian Strength & Conditioning Association - Level 2

Certificate in Functional Nutrition - The Nutrition Academy